21 October 2024

8 pm.–10 pm.

A Kind of Home: James Baldwin
in Paris by Caryl Phillips
Listening Event
About A Kind of Home and James Baldwin
The radio play A Kind of Home by Caryl Phillips was first broadcast by the BBC in 2004. This would have been the year of James Baldwin’s 80th birthday, which the author did not live to see. Baldwin had passed away in 1987 in Saint-Paul-de-Vence in the South of France, where Phillips had first visited him in 1983.

A Kind of Home explores Baldwin’s first move to Paris as a young writer and the difficult conditions of bringing his first novel Go Tell It On the Mountain into the world. In short scenes, companions, benefactors, adversaries and allies of the young and searching Baldwin make their appearance. The city of Paris with its history of attracting strangers escaping from less hospitable ‘homes’ is a constant point of reference. Yet, all is not well in Baldwin’s Paris. Here, too, the hatred instilled by the white supremacist culture of a segregated America casts its shadows, impacting emotional landscapes and surfacing in conflicts.
This listening event marks the 100th anniversary of James Baldwin’s birth and the 20th anniversary of the initial BBC broadcasting of Caryl Phillips’ radio play.
About Caryl Phillips
Caryl Phillips is a multiple award-winning novelist, essayist and playwright whose works have been translated into numerous languages. Nine of his radioplays were broadcast by the BBC. Born in St. Kitts, he grew up in the north of England and now lives in the USA, where he is Professor of English at Yale University.
The radio play will be introduced by Bénédicte Ledent, 2024 Lorand Chair of Intermediality at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Honorary Professor of English Literature at the University of Liège, author and editor of numerous works of criticism on literatures of the Caribbean and its diasporas, and recently the editor of Caryl Phillips’s Radio Plays (Methuen 2023).

It will be followed by a panel discussion on audio drama with Bénédicte Ledent; Lander Kesteloot, co-founder of the literary podcast “De Letterfretters”; Tundé Adefioye, Dramaturge and Lecturer at St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp, moderated by Tola Ositelu.
Listening Event Schedule
Monday, 21 October 2024
20:00 – 20:15
20:00 – 20:15
Bénédicte Ledent, Lorand Chair of Intermediality at VUB
20:15 – 21:15
20:15 – 21:15
Radio Play: A Kind of Home: James Baldwin in Paris
21:15 – 21:45
21:15 – 21:45
Panel Discussion
moderated by Tola Ositelu
  • Bénédicte Ledent, Lorand Chair of Intermediality at VUB
  • Lander Kesteloot, co-founder of “De Letterfretters”
  • Tundé Adefioye, dramaturge and lecturer at St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp
21:45 – 22:00
21:45 – 22:00
Questions from the Audience
  • Bénédicte Ledent
    Bénédicte Ledent is CLIC Lorand Chair in Intermediality Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2023-2024 and honorary professor from the University of Liège, where she taught anglophone literatures until 2021 and directed the postcolonial research group CEREP from 2009 to 2019. Her research interests include Caribbean and Black British literatures, biographical fiction, slavery novels as well as the representation of madness in literature. She has published extensively on the work of Caryl Phillips and other contemporary writers of the Caribbean diaspora. She is co-editor, with Delphine Munos, of the book series Cross/Cultures (Brill). Her most recent publication is an edited collection of Caryl Phillips’s radio plays (Methuen, 2023).

  • Lander Kesteloot
    Lander Kesteloot (°2000) is a doctoral researcher at Ghent University (BOF), studying the reception of Marquis de Sade and the representation of sexual sadism in post-war Dutch literature. He also channels his passion for literature into the podcast De letterfretters, where he and Maxine Rappé devour a book each month.
  • Tundé Adefioye
    Tundé Adefioye has a degree in Women's Studies, with a minor in Biology. As well as holds a Master of Research in Bioinformatics. After five years of doing doctoral research in chemoinformatics that was not completed, things took a turn. Tundé founded a poetry group with youth of immigrant backgrounds. Co-created activities that provided access to literature/culture. From this emerged Urban Woorden. As a dramaturg for the Flemish Theatre of Brussels, has done dramaturgy for Sachli Gholamalizad, Junior Mthombeni and the choreograph Moya Michaels, among others. Help initiate Beyond the Binary with lesbian collective Warrior Poets. This was followed by a directorial debut with Contact Theatre Manchester. Spent some time in Lebanon to work with Haven for Artist on SLOW#05: Queer Courage. Served as co-editor for the Vrije University Brussels book Migration, Equality and Racism. Since 20/21 cofounded, working semi-volunteer with Towards Braver Spaces Antwerp, which centers needs of racialized and/or queer folx using a collective care approach.
  • Tola Ositelu
    Tola Ositelu was born and raised in London to Nigerian and Ghanaian parents. She initially studied Law, before eventually obtaining a masters in Sociocultural Linguistics at Goldsmiths University. She has worked for various governmental and educational institutions as well as INGOs, both in the UK and mainland Europe. Tola is currently a PhD fellow and project coordinator at VUB, Belgium. Her research project, (Post-) Migrant Narratives of Mobility and Care: The ‘Windrush’ Generation and the NHS Experience in Society, Literature and Culture aims to analyse and make more visible the formation of narratives surrounding Afrodescendant migrant women’s experience working in care, particularly within the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). The study is associated to the MERLIT research project. Tola is also a prolific blogger, freelance writer and editor, contributing arts & culture critique and socio-political commentary to diverse publications. She has been invited to speak on panels about themes such as the rise of the identitarian right and to moderate international political education events.
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Passa Porta: International house of literature in Brussels

Antoine Dansaertstraat 46, 1000 Brussel

Organising Team
The listening event is jointly organised by CLIC (Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings) and Passa Porta, with the support of the VUB Doctoral School of Human Sciences. Organisers: Inge Arteel, Alison Luyten, Iana Nikitenko, Eva Ulrike Pirker, Lise Van Acker and Birgit Van Puymbroeck.